How-to monitor your windows machine with splunk

Why use Splunk?

Using Splunk to monitor your computer or vps is free, easy and let you learn about one of the best SIEM tool available on the market (as for now 2022).  In this post I will share some of my personal Splunk configurations and alerts so you can start monitoring what is going on in your windows machine and maybe see things you didn’t before.  So let’s start shall we!

Read more “How-to monitor your windows machine with splunk”

A journey into Windows pentesting.

I did root many windows rig in the last week.  You can practice your skill too, just go to  Here i will not tell you how specificity root those vulnerable windows os, i just want to keep some of the basics that i learned from this.

As expected the info gathering is the same nmap nikto dirb etc.

The windows command line, as i am used to unix bash this command line was like Korean to me.

Here are the basic commands that are useful : Read more “A journey into Windows pentesting.”